
The curriculum at Amblecote Primary School aims to provide rich and relevant experiences which inspire pupils to learn, grow and flourish.

We intertwine the teaching of both knowledge and skills, alongside developing essential learning behaviours and embedding the skills that our children will need for future learning.  Central to this is also the constant reinforcement of our School Values.

Our curriculum not only meets national requirements but is developed by us, to meet the needs of our pupils, our school and our local community. Gaining proficiency as a reader is key to accessing all other subject areas and therefore is our main priority as a school for all children, beginning in the Early Years and remaining a key focus throughout a child’s journey through to Year 6.

Our curriculum is personalised around our children’s needs, reflecting their individual requirements, whilst still promoting high aspirations for all.

Curriculum plans are continuously under review.  Subject leaders and class teachers ensure that these plans are fit for purpose and that they provide sequential and progressive learning opportunities, where pupils know more and can do more than before.

PSHE-RSE Scheme of Work 2022

Reception Curriculum

Year 1-2 Curriculum Rolling Programme Even.docx

Year 1-2 Curriculum Rolling Programme Odd.docx

Year 3-4 Curriculum Rolling Programme Even

Year 3-4 Curriculum Rolling Programme Odd.docx

Year 5-6 Curriculum Rolling Programme Even

Year 5-6 Curriculum Rolling Programme Odd

Maths At Amblecote

Teachers are guided by the White Rose Maths Primary Scheme of Learning. The reasons for using this scheme and the White Rose resources are outlined below. We also supplement our Maths lessons with a variety of resources  that teachers find from a wide range of sources. Therefore, we don’t rely entirely on exclusively one scheme or resource. For example, using video demonstrations, lessons, ideas and resources from the internet or other published sources that support children’s learning.


The Amblecote Primary School Calculation Policy is also a vital tool in teacher’s planning. It has been developed to ensure that children learn calculation concepts through the solid foundations of concrete and pictorial approaches, before abstract methods are introduced. A whole school approach ensures there is consistency in practice.

Amblecote Maths Written Calculation Policy Part 1 (Addition & Subtraction)

Amblecote Maths Calculation Policy Part 2 (Multiplication & Division)


The reasons we chose the White Rose Maths Primary Scheme of Learning can be summarised by the following points:

  • It provides a powerful CPA approach (concrete, pictorial then abstract) including in its use of models and images, which helps secure pupils understanding of mathematics and to make connections between different representations.
  • There is a great emphasis on mathematical language, questioning, explaining, reasoning and problem solving.  This allows pupils to discuss the mathematics they are doing, support each other to take ideas further, and develop a broad and secure understanding.
  • It provides a connected, progressive curriculum, aiding the development of carefully sequenced lessons.
  • It develops the skills of teachers, without interfering with professional judgement by being over prescriptive.
  • The curriculum is designed to use skills that have already been learnt in different contexts (sometimes called ‘interleaving’) whenever possible. This helps pupils to remember and to make connections between different parts of the curriculum.
  • It combines the best of both ‘mastery’ and ‘spiral’ approaches in the curriculum. It follows many of the mastery principles – spending longer on topics to help gain deeper understanding, making connections, keeping the class working together on the same topic and a fundamental belief that, through effort, all pupils are capable of understanding, doing and improving at mathematics. But also recognising that just spending a good chunk of time on a topic doesn’t mean that all pupils will ‘master’ it the first time they see it, and that they need to see it again and again in different contexts and in different years to help them truly develop their understanding on their journey to mastery, so we’ve built in the revisiting and reinforcing features of spiral curricula too.
  • It is a curriculum that is ambitious and that works for all, with everybody studying the same topic and being provided with support and challenge as needed. Many of the teaching strategies we advocate for all pupils are particularly useful for pupils with SEND. See more on how the schemes supports pupils with SEND below:
  • white-rose-blog-supporting-children-with-send


Maths Yearly Overview

By linking on the links below, you will be able to see an overview of the topics covered with Maths lessons throughout the year.


There are also Maths challenges for children in Key Stage 1 to help develop their fluency and number recall.  Please click here to view them.

Reading At Amblecote

At Amblecote, reading is our number one focus in school, for all of our children.

In the Autumn term 2021, we introduced the Little Wandle letters and Sounds Revised Programme – please see more details further below in the Phonics section.

We use several reading schemes across school such as Big Cat Collins, Oxford Reading Tree, and Project X and we select books that are carefully matched to the sounds that the children are learning.

In January 2021, we introduced Accelerated Reader in Years 3-6.  This programme enables pupils to select books at their own independent reading level and read them at their own pace. Engaging quizzes are used once each book that has been read, monitors the children’s understanding.

Further information regarding reading guidance, the use of reading records and Accelerated Reader can be found by clicking on the links below:

Reading At Home Guidance 1

Reading Record Guidance 2021-22

Accelerated Reader Letter for Parents




What questions should I ask when listening to my child read?

At Amblecote Primary we aim to develop a child’s ability to decode the print on a page alongside their ability to understand and analyse texts.

Knowing what questions to ask your children whilst you are listening to them read can sometimes be quite tricky. There are support pages for parents in the front and back cover of many of the books your child will bring home.      In addition these question banks could be used at home:

Phonics At Amblecote

At Amblecote we follow Little Wandle Phonics

Little Wandle Programme Progression document – click here

Link to the Little Wandle Parents’ page with a host of supportive videos and documents – click here

Subject Overview


DT and computing Rolling Programme odd and even








Science overview

Subject Skills Progression













Spelling Appendix 1

Vocabulary, grammar and punctuation Appendix 2

Writing & SPaG

Curriculum Parent Overview

Key Stage 1

KS1 Parent overview Autumn Term 2024

KS1 Parent overview Spring Term 2025)

Key Stage 2

Year 3 and 4

Autumn Parent Overview 2024

Spring Parent Overview Phase 34 2025

Year 5 and 6

Autumn Term. Ancient Greece

Spring Term. The Boy Who Sailed The Ocean

Music Development Plan

School_music_development_plan_2024 – 2025

Forest School

Forest schools originated in Sweden during the 1950s and was a way of teaching children about the natural world. The idea was adopted by Denmark as an important part of Early Years provision. The concept was introduced to Britain in 1995 by Bridgwater College.

As part of our strong environmental ethos, we have an integrated Forest School Programme. Children in Reception – Year 6 have planned sessions in Forest School at specific times during the year.

At Amblecote we believe Forest School is an inspirational process that offers children regular opportunities to appreciate and enjoy the outdoor environment. Our Forest School nurtures an understanding and respect for natural places.  The Forest School experience brings learning to life and improves a child’s ability to work co-operatively while offering the opportunities to take risks, make choices and initiate learning.

Forest School encourages the children to explore using their own ideas and imagination. Most activities are child led, to allow children to investigate and problem solve. This will help develop independent, self- motivated thinkers. Activities are put together in small manageable steps that we scaffold to allow children to develop the skills they are learning, at their own pace and level. All children of all abilities are able to enjoy and learn at Forest School. The styles of learning used at Forest School maximise emotional, social and behavioural development. By helping the child to succeed in their task, it boosts their self – esteem and confidence.

As a school we fund the majority of the cost associated with providing our children with this experience. However, due to budget constraints we now ask for a £1 per child, per session contribution.