The PTA at Amblecote is a very small group of wonderful parents and teachers who manage to find the odd hour between work and looking after the kids to raise money to spend on the children at Amblecote. We would love to have some more members join us.

To be a member of the PTA you don’t need to be voted in, have any special skills or make a huge commitment – just turn up and pitch in when you can!

If you are able to give some time, please come along to a PTA meeting or drop a note of your contact details and willingness to help at the school office.

Great news!

We’ve registered with easyfundraising, it’s a great site where you can help Amblecote Primary School PTA raise funds simply by doing your everyday online shopping!

Over 3,600 big name retailers are included, such as Amazon, Argos, John Lewis, ASOS, eBay, Boden and M&S.

Every time you shop, we receive a small donation to say ‘thank you!’ It’s completely free and over £20M has been raised for causes just like us so far.

We want to raise as much as possible so please sign up and help us at EASYFUNDRAISING


To all of those who have supported Amblecote Primary School PTA,

Despite this being a particularly challenging year, our PTA have been amazing and have supported our school practically, emotionally and financially, through the best and worst of it.

This is just a quick message to express my sincere thanks and appreciation. The PTA have worked tirelessly this year and been so creative in thinking of different ways in which to raise much needed funds for the children, despite the restrictions we have faced.

We may not have been able to organise the traditional summer fayres, film nights or hold discos for the children, but this never stopped them! In fact, I think it made them even more determined to raise money!

Online raffles, prize bundles for the classrooms, Father’s Day photographs and of course the immensely popular Break the Rules days have all generated a considerable amount of money for the children! Even on the very last afternoon, the dedication was still there with the PTA convincing Mr Delves (and a few other teachers) to go in the stocks! This raised an additional £154.20 bringing the total raised on the last day of term to £649.25 all whilst the children were having an absolute blast!!

We do not know what next year will bring, but what I do know that our school is incredibly lucky to have such a dedicated group of people who give their all to support our school and the children. I know the PTA have lots of exciting plans for next year and they have already paid the deposit for a circus to entertain the children at school just before Christmas!

Thank you to you all for your continuing support. It really does make the world of difference for the children of our school.